Sunday, February 24, 2013


These d.i.y. jeans are pretty
impressive, in fact, I secretly wish
you could just buy them, which isn't
in keeping with the d.i.y. spirit at
all! Done by a fashion blogger in
Finland, my Finnish isn't up too
much, but I'll do my best to
recreate her instructions so that you
too can attempt to get this
gorgeous result.
Start with a pair of acid wash
skinnies (and make sure they're not
your favourite pair). Mix black and
dark blue Dylon, and follow the
instructions on the pack to create a
dye bath - you generally just need
salt and warm water, to which you
add the dye powder. Dip the
bottom of the jeans into the dye
bath to about 5cm lower than you
want the colour to go, then lift out
and leave the very hems of the
jeans in the dye for about 45
minutes. Then (with rubber gloves
on) rub the colour gently up the
jeans to get the smooth colour
gradation. Hang the jeans outside
for 1/2 hour or so, making sure they
won't drip on anything that will
stain. Finally, rinse thoroughly in
cold water (and follow any other
instructions on the dye pack for
setting the colour), dry, and wear!

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