Thursday, February 14, 2013

DIY Bleach Splattered Dress

DIY Bleach Splattered Dress

I teamed up my girl Leah for a fun DIY project this weekend. You may recognize Leah because she was the beautiful bride in this video we shot. Or you may have seen me share photos from The Daily Dry on Instagram. The Daily Dry features a new movie illustration created by Leah and drawn on my white board at work (we're coworkers). We have gone through all the Harry Potters, Twilights, Hunger Games, Johnny Depp movies...the list goes on and on. She's super skilled so check out her illustrations here!

Leah came across this dress on Pinterest and realized it was something she could probably make herself with an old plain dress she had lying around. Of course I had to chime in "We should make a blog post about it!"
What you'll need:

White cloth

Make sure you use cardboard or tarp to protect the area from bleach spots.
First things first, put on your gloves for protection! Add bleach to a bowl and slowly dip the article of clothing in it, being sure all areas are completely saturated.
You will see the color almost immediately start to change. Once you have it covered in bleach as far up as you'd prefer remove the article from the bleach bowl and lay flat.
Saturate the white cloth in bleach and wring it out at the top of the bleached area. This creates the splattering effect. You can flick the bleach off your gloves onto the fabric as well.
 Make sure the splattered area and the dipped area blend together well.
Let the clothing sit for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on how light you want the color to be. Once time is up, rinse thoroughly with water and then wash it in the washing machine as normal. And now you have an awesome DIY bleach splattered dress!
Isn't she cute?

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