Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dress Makeover DIY

This has got to be one of the easiest projects I have made to date. I'm a free spirit when it comes to my wardrobe, so I'm really drawn to messy patterns. The design aspect of this project really has no rules, and that's what I like most. Enjoy. 
supplies: cotton dress (I purchased mine on the sales rack at a local clothing store), fabric dye, masking tape, sponge brush.
 First, mix the fabric dye with water to dilute the colors. Next, place pieces of masking tape all over the dress in various patterns. I make vertical and horizontal stripes throughout the dress. Then, with the sponge brush, apply brush strokes all throughout the dress. Once I applied the dye, I started making brush strokes free handedly, but that part is totally up to you if you feel comfortable enough to do so. 
Once the dye dries, hand wash it and let it air dry. 

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