These literary quote mugs were my valentines this year. I'm so happy with the way they turned out! Yeeess, I know it's November. I got so far behind in posting this after valentines day that I decided to post it next valentines. But with Christmas just around the corner, I thought everyone could use an easy gift DIY. Enjoy!
I was inspired by one of Design Mom's hand-made Christmas projects and this Pride and Prejudice mug. While they were simple enough to make, they do take a little time. I've included the nitty-gritty DIY details at the bottom of this post.
I chose quotes from Pride and Prejudice, Emma, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Little Woman, Jane Eyre, Anne of Green Gables and Casablanca. Each quote has a story behind it that is special to the recipient. For example, "Here's looking at you kid" is my dad's favorite quote and that's why my mom's mug says "KID." My sister-in-law went to Prince Edward Island and visit all of the Anne of Green Gables haunts which is why a Gilbert quote dawns her mug.
For my brothers, I wrote humerus plays on their wives' cups.

- Porcelain mugs
- Pebeo Porcelain 150 Paint Markers (fine tip)
- Oven, water & paper towels
1. Purchase Supplies:
I purchased these mugs at Goodwill* for 49 cents each! My grand total was $5.88.
The pens I bought at Michael's and you can find them at any craft store.
2. Create your masterpiece:
Wash the surface of the mugs before writing your favorite quote. Follow instructions on the pen's packaging for drying and baking times. Give yourself a little extra time since most Porcelain pens need 24 hours to dry before you permanently** bake them.
3. Make a cup of tea and read a book!
So, the nitty-gritty details are that ceramic pens are not as easy to use as they look. Half of this project was writing and re-writing the quotes. The good side is that it washes off*** and you can do it as many times as you want. The black pen was the best and I could only ever force the little hearts out of the red pen. If anyone has another brand they suggest, that would be great!
* I had a little trouble finding plain white mugs at Goodwill. But I realized later that I went shopping one week after Design Mom's project and hit the Goodwill that would be local to her. I'm pretty sure she cleaned them out before me. :)
** We have found that they aren't as dishwasher safe as they claim. I suggest hand washing the mugs to keep your designs intact.
*** It's SO MUCH easier to wash off as soon as you make a mistake.
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