Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lovely Butterfly Hairpin – DIY

DIY-Easy-Butterfly-Hairpin_large - Copie
Hair accessories are significant because they give a stylish note to your look. For example, this lovely butterfly hairpin can be made by you.
You will need:
- two faced piece of cloth;
- needle and thread;
- pins;
- glue;
- hair pin or hair elastic.
Directions: Fold the piece of cloth, shaping it like a triangular pocket, insert the pin to keep the cloth folded, sew the folded sides and then you can start making the butterfly’s wings. Use two pins to keep the wings as they are and sew the wings so they’ll stay in the same shape. Take off the pins after you complete sewing. Then glue the butterfly on a hair pin or hair elastic. Have fun!
DIY-Easy-Butterfly-Hairpin_large - Copie (2)

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